Leveling Up the Shop: An Intro

Leveling Up the Shop: An Intro

So I know it’s been a while since I have posted on here and on social media as of the time of writing this. There are a few reasons for this, all good. The Woodshop is still a thing, it’s just on pause in terms of production work.

What happened.

Going in chronological order, the first reason is that I decided to go back to school in the Fall of 2019 to pursue a Masters degree. This ended up sucking up a lot of my precious free time that was usually spent in the wood shop. Happy to say that all is going well with that and I should be done in May 2021 with this endeavor.

Excavator at the new home site.

The next thing has a much bigger impact. In May 2020, we decided to sell our house and build a new one. So since May, all of my tools have been in storage while we wait for the new house to be built. This should also be done in spring 2021 (fingers crossed).

Looking ahead.

The exciting part about the new house, for me at least, is the shop. I will no longer be in the garage. I will no longer need to shuffle cars and equipment around every time I go out to work on something. I will be under the garage, in the basement, comfortably underground. I will still have easy access out the back of the house though.

When we move in, the shop area will just be concrete on all six sides (walls, floor, and ceiling). It will only have doors and basic lighting, so that will be the first adventure - building it out into a functional shop. I plan on documenting this process as a series of posts on here and possibly a YouTube video.

The wait seems long from this point to there but the wait should be more than worth it.

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