
Contact form

Contact Notes

Custom Work Inquiry

Use form below

Something to keep in mind.

I offer 3 types of services:

Good. Cheap. Fast.

You can only pick two.

Good & Cheap —> Won’t be Fast
Fast & Good —> Won’t be Cheap
Cheap & Fast —> Won’t be Good*

* I am not in the business of producing sub-par quality work.

Kumiko Block Service

Do you need your Kumiko guide blocks serviced or repaired?

Use the above generic contact form.

Please include what needs serviced, and if possible your original order information. If you don't have the original order information, I can look up from your email address.

If you don’t see a response from me, check your spam folder, sometimes it gets caught there. Also feel free to reach out on Instagram @AlthoffWoodshop.