Successful toner transfer from paper to wood.

Simple Print Transfer

A cheaper alternative to a branding iron…

I discovered this print transfer method while researching about branding irons. Needless to say this method is a lot cheaper and more versatile. What I think is so awesome about this is that it utilizes a basic laser printer and basic printer paper, nothing special!

To begin, print off what you want to transfer using a laser printer with toner (not an ink jet!). Make sure your pattern is reversed when you print it!

Surface Prep

Althoff Woodshop

For this to work well, the surface needs to be pretty flat. Any gaps, dings, or raised grain will impede a solid transfer. Here I did a quick sanding with 220 grit sand paper. In hindsight, I should have done better but this was only a test.


Althoff Woodshop

Take your reversed pattern, and tape an edge to the work piece. This allows you to check your progress as you go without risking distorting the image since it always goes back in the same spot. Using a cheap wood burner kit with the pattern transfer tip (look like a round disc), move it around on the back of the paper. Be careful not to stay in one spot and keep it moving to prevent burning the paper.

Transfer Result

Althoff Woodshop

This is what my final result was only after a few minutes. As you can see, there was some raised grain and other defects in the wood that resulted in gaps in the transfer. I would say it was a successful test though, and since it can be done with what ever I print out, it is quite versatile.


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